SantaThingSantaThing Entry #60

LibraryThing member strongstuff

Book tastes

I think about Santathing like I do book clubs: a great opportunity for someone else to recommend something I would never have thought about. What were your favorites this year? I read a lot of fiction, but am open to memoirs and narrative non-fiction as well. Some of my 2023 highlights: Cloud Cuckoo Land, Babel, The Pull of the Stars, Piranesi, and America the Beautiful? Please check my Librarything account before selecting.

Don't get this!

Poetry. Religious texts (fiction or otherwise). Really science-fictiony science fiction.

Secret Santa

strongstuff's Secret Santa was Tabasco2003!

Purchasing Details

Store: Powell's (

Gift Amount: $50 (USD)


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katemcangus: checked and ordered (Dec 6, 2023, 1:47pm)
fobgirl12: Butts: a backstory (Nov 7, 2023, 8:53pm)