SantaThingSantaThing Entry #203

LibraryThing member readergirliz

Recipient is not the account.

Gift is for: Nathan, aged 3

Book tastes

Nathan would probably appreciate books about outer space (fiction or non), any of the classic Magic School Bus books (except for the dinosaurs, we have that one already), or any of the Eyewitness books (not Trains or Universe- we have/are getting those). Any kind of search and find books would be great, too!

Don't get this!

I would love to avoid potty humor as long as possible!

Other notes

If you're stuck, all of these would work:
Construction Site Taking Flight
Construction Site: Farming Strong All Year Long
Construction Site: Road Crew Coming Through
Construction Site Mission Demolition
Three Cheers for Kid McGeer
(We have all the other ones!)

Secret Santa

readergirliz's Secret Santa was dacejav!

Purchasing Details

Store: Longfellow Books (

Gift Amount: $50 (USD)


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katemcangus: checked (Dec 5, 2023, 7:02pm)
merrystar: "Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11" by Brian Floca (Nov 15, 2023, 11:30pm)